1 Ehleringer, J. 1973. Water relations in the alpine tundra, Niwot Ridge, Colorado. Master's Thesis, San Diego State University, 111 p.
2. Moore, R. T., P. C. Miller, J. Ehleringer and W. Lawrence. 1973. Seasonal trends in gas exchange characteristics of three mangrove species. Photosynthetica 7:387-394. PDF
3. Miller, P. C., J. Ehleringer, B. Hynum, and W. Stoner. 1974. Digital simulations of potential reforestation problems in the Rung Sat Delta, Viet Nam, p. 100-164. In H. T. Odum (ed.), The Effects of Herbicides in South Viet Nam. National Academy of Sciences, National Research in Council, Washington, D.C. PDF
4. Moore, R. T., J. Ehleringer, P. C. Miller, M. Caldwell, and L. Tieszen. 1974. Gas exchange studies of four alpine tundra species at Niwot Ridge, Colorado, p. 211-217. In L. Bliss and F. Wielgolaski (eds.), Primary Production and Production Processes, Tundra Biome. Univ. of Alberta Printing Service, Alberta. PDF
5. Miller, P. C., W. Stoner, and J. Ehleringer. 1974. A summary of data on some aspects of water relations and microclimate of tundra plants. U.S. Tundra Biome Data Report 74-19. 16 p. PDF
6. Cooper, C. F., P. Depetris, J. Ehleringer, R. Fisher, S. Hurlbert, S. Schneider, and J. Zieman. 1974. Impact of regional changes on climate and aquatic systems, p. 193-224. In E. Farnworth and F. Golley (eds.), Fragile Ecosystems. Springer-Verlag, New York. PDF
7. Ehleringer, J., and P. C. Miller. 1975. Water relations of selected plant species in the alpine tundra, Colorado. Ecology 56:370-380. PDF
8. Ehleringer, J., and P. C. Miller. 1975. A simulation model of plant water relations and production in the alpine tundra, Colorado. Oecologia 19:177-193. PDF
9. Björkman, O., H. A. Mooney, and J. Ehleringer. 1975. Comparison of photosynthetic characteristics of intact plants. Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 74:743-748. PDF
10. Björkman, O., and J. Ehleringer. 1975. Comparison of quantum yields for CO2 uptake in C3 and C4 plants. Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 74:760-761. PDF
11. Ehleringer, J., O. Björkman, and H. A. Mooney. 1976. Leaf pubescence: effects on absorptance and photosynthesis in a desert shrub. Science 192:376-377. PDF
12. Ehleringer, J., and O. Björkman. 1976. Carbon dioxide and temperature dependence of the quantum yield for CO2 uptake in C3 and C4 plants. Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 75:418-421. PDF
13. Ehleringer, J. 1976. Leaf absorptance and photosynthesis as affected by pubescence in the genus Encelia. Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 75:413-418. PDF
14. Mooney, H. A., J. Ehleringer, and J. A. Berry. 1976. High photosynthetic capacity of a winter annual in Death Valley. Science 194:322-324. PDF
15. Mooney, H. A., O. Björkman, J. Ehleringer, and J. A. Berry. 1976. Photosynthetic capacity of in situ Death Valley plants. Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 75:410-413. PDF
16. Ehleringer, J., and O. Björkman. 1977. Quantum yields for CO2 uptake in C3 and C4 plants: dependence on temperature, carbon dioxide, and oxygen concentration. Plant Physiology 59:86-90. PDF
17. Mooney, H. A., J. Ehleringer, and O. Björkman. 1977. The energy balance of leaves of the evergreen desert shrub Atriplex hymenelytra. Oecologia 29:301-310. PDF
18. Ehleringer, J. 1977. Adaptive value of leaf hairs to Encelia farinosa. Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 76:367-369. PDF
19. Ehleringer, J. 1977. The adaptive significance of leaf hairs in a desert shrub. Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University. 128 p.
20. Ehleringer, J. 1978. Implications of quantum yield differences on the distributions of C3 and C4 grasses. Oecologia 31:255-267. PDF
21. Ehleringer, J., and O. Björkman. 1978. Pubescence and leaf spectral characteristics in a desert shrub, Encelia farinosa. Oecologia 36:151-162. PDF
22. Ehleringer, J., and H. A. Mooney. 1978. Leaf hairs: effects on physiological activity and adaptive value to a desert shrub. Oecologia 37:183-200. PDF
23. Ehleringer, J., and O. Björkman. 1978. A comparison of photosynthetic characteristics of Encelia species possessing glabrous and pubescent leaves. Plant Physiology 62:185-190. PDF
24. Miller, P. C., W. A. Stoner, and J. Ehleringer. 1978. Some aspects of water relations of arctic and alpine regions, p. 343-357. In L. L. Tieszen (ed.), Vegetation and Production Ecology of an Alaskan Arctic Tundra. Springer-Verlag, New York. PDF
25. Mooney, H. A., and J. Ehleringer. 1978. The carbon gain benefits of solar tracking in a desert annual. Plant, Cell and Environment 1:307-311. PDF
26. Ehleringer, J., H. A. Mooney, and J. A. Berry. 1979. Photosynthesis and microclimate of a desert winter annual. Ecology 60:280-286. PDF
27. Ehleringer, J. 1979. Photosynthesis and photorespiration: biochemistry, physiology, and ecological implications. Hortscience 14:217-222. PDF
28. Gulmon, S. L., P. W. Rundel, J. Ehleringer, and H. A. Mooney. 1979. Spatial relationships and competition in a Chilean desert cactus. Oecologia 44:40-43. PDF
29. Ehleringer, J. 1980. Leaf morphology and reflectance in relation to water and temperature stress, pp. 295-308. In N. Turner and P. Kramer (eds.), Adaptations of Plants to Water and High Temperature Stress. Wiley-Interscience, New York. PDF
30. Mooney, H. A., S. L. Gulmon, P. Rundel, and J. Ehleringer. 1980. Further observations on the water relations of Prosopis tamarugo of the northern Atacama Desert. Oecologia 44:177-180. PDF
31. Forseth, I., and J. Ehleringer. 1980. Solar tracking response to drought in a desert annual. Oecologia 44:159-163.
32. Ehleringer, J., H. A. Mooney, S. L. Gulmon, and P. Rundel. 1980. Orientation and its consequences of Copiapoa (Cactaceae) in the Atacama Desert. Oecologia 46:63-67. PDF
33. Mooney, H. A., S.L. Gulmon, J. Ehleringer, and P.W. Rundel. 1980. Atmospheric water uptake by an Atacama Desert shrub. Science 209:693-694. PDF
34. Rundel, P.W., J. Ehleringer, H.A. Mooney, and S.L. Gulmon. 1980. Patterns of drought response in leaf-succulent shrubs of the coastal Atacama Desert in northern Chile. Oecologia 46:196-200. PDF
35. Ehleringer, J., and C. S. Cook. 1980. Measurements of photosynthesis in the field: utility of the CO2 depletion technique. Plant, Cell and Environment 3:479-482. PDF
36. Ehleringer, J., and I. Forseth. 1980. Solar tracking by plants. Science 210:1094-1098. PDF
37. Ehleringer, J., H. A. Mooney, S. L. Gulmon, and P. W. Rundel. 1981. Parallel evolution of leaf pubescence in Encelia in coastal deserts of North and South America. Oecologia 49:38-41. PDF
38. Ehleringer, J. 1981. Leaf absorptances of Mohave and Sonoran Desert plants. Oecologia 49:366-370. PDF
39. Ehleringer, J. 1982. The influence of water stress and temperature on leaf pubescence development in Encelia farinosa. American Journal of Botany69:670-675. PDF
40. Forseth, I., and J. Ehleringer. 1982. Ecophysiology of two solar tracking desert winter annuals. I. Photosynthetic acclimation to growth temperature. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 9:321-332. PDF
41. Forseth, I. N., and J. Ehleringer. 1982. Ecophysiology of two solar tracking desert winter annuals. II. Leaf movements, water relations and microclimate. Oecologia 54:41-49. PDF
42. Lin, Z. F., and J. Ehleringer. 1982. Studies of photosynthesis in papaya. I. The effects of light, temperature, water vapor pressure deficit and carbon dioxide. Acta Phytophysiologia Sinica 8:363-372. PDF
43. Lin, Z. F., and J. Ehleringer. 1982. Studies of the effects of leaf age on photosynthesis and water use efficiency of papaya. Photosynthetica 16:514-519. PDF
44. Lin, Z. F., and J. Ehleringer. 1982. Changes in spectral properties of leaves as related to chlorophyll and age in papaya. Photosynthetica 16:520-525. PDF
45. Mooney, H. A., J. Berry, O. Björkman, and J. Ehleringer. 1982. Comparative photosynthetic characteristics of coastal and desert plants of California. Bulletin of the Society of Botany Mexico 42:19-33. PDF
46. Ehleringer, J. 1983. Ecophysiology of Amaranthus palmeri, a Sonoran Desert summer annual. Oecologia 57:107-112. PDF
47. Ehleringer, J. 1983. Characterization of a glabrate Encelia farinosa mutant: morphology, ecophysiology, and field observations. Oecologia 57:303-310. PDF
48. Forseth, I. N., and J. Ehleringer. 1983. Ecophysiology of two solar tracking desert winter annuals. III. Gas exchange responses to light, CO2 , and VPD in relation to long term drought. Oecologia 57:340-351. PDF
49. Werk, K. S., and J. Ehleringer. 1983. Photosynthesis by flowers of two shrubs Encelia farinosa and Encelia californica. Oecologia 57:311-315. PDF
50. Forseth, I. N., and J. Ehleringer. 1983. Ecophysiology of two solar tracking desert winter annuals. IV. Effects of leaf orientation on calculated daily carbon gain and water use efficiency. Oecologia 58:10-18. PDF
51. Lin, Z. F., and J. Ehleringer. 1983. Photosynthetic characteristics of Amaranthus tricolor, a tropical leafy vegetable. Photosynthetic Research 4:171-178. PDF
52. Ehleringer, J., and H. A. Mooney. 1983. Photosynthesis and productivity of desert and Mediterranean climate plants. Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology (New Series) Vol. 12D:205-231, Springer-Verlag, New York. PDF
53. Werk, K. S., J. Ehleringer, I. N. Forseth, and C. S. Cook. 1983. Photosynthetic characteristics of Sonoran Desert winter annuals. Oecologia 59:101-105. PDF
54. Lin, Z. F., and J. Ehleringer. 1983. Epidermis effects on spectral properties of leaves of four herbaceous species. Physiologia Plantarum 59:91-94. PDF
55. Ehleringer, J., and R. W. Pearcy. 1983. Variation in quantum yields for CO2 uptake in C3 and C4 plants. Plant Physiology 73:555-559. PDF
56. Ehleringer, J. 1984. Ecology and ecophysiology of leaf pubescence in North American desert plants, p. 113-132. In E. Rodriguez, P. Healey, and I. Mehta (eds.), Biology and Chemistry of Plant Trichomes. Plenum Press, New York. PDF
57. Pearcy, R. W., and J. Ehleringer. 1984. Comparative ecophysiology of C3 and C4 plants. Plant Cell Environment 7:1-13. PDF
58. Comstock, J., and J. Ehleringer. 1984. Photosynthetic responses to slowly decreasing leaf water potentials in Encelia frutescens. Oecologia 61:241-248. PDF
59. Werk, K. S., and J. Ehleringer. 1984. Non-random leaf orientation in Lactuca serriola L. Plant Cell Environment 7:81-87. PDF
60. Ehleringer, J., and D. House. 1984. Orientation and slope preference in barrel cactus (Ferocactus acanthodes) at its northern distribution limit. Great Basin Naturalist 44:133-139. PDF
61. Ehleringer, J., and C. S. Cook. 1984. Photosynthesis in Encelia farinosa Gray in response to decreasing leaf water potential. Plant Physiology 75:688-693. PDF
62. Ehleringer, J. 1984. Intraspecific competitive effects on water relations, growth, and reproduction in Encelia farinosa. Oecologia 63:153-158. PDF
63. Forseth, I. N., J. Ehleringer, K. S. Werk, and C. S. Cook. 1984. Field water relations of Sonoran Desert annuals. Ecology 65:1436-1444. PDF
64. Schulze, E.-D., and J. Ehleringer. 1984. The effect of nitrogen supply on growth and water use efficiency of xylem mistletoes. Planta 162:268-275. PDF
65. Ehleringer, J. 1985. Comparative microclimatology and plant responses in Encelia species from contrasting habitats. Journal of Arid Environments 8:45-56. PDF
66. Ehleringer, J. 1985. Adaptations of annuals and perennials to warm deserts, p. 162-180. In B. Chabot and H. A. Mooney (eds.), Physiological Ecology of North American Plant Communities. Chapman and Hall Ltd., London. PDF
67. Ehleringer, J., and E.-D Schulze. 1985. Mineral concentrations in an autoparasitic Phoradendron californicum growing on a parasitic P. californicum and its host, Cercidium floridum. American Journal of Botany 72:568-571. PDF
68. Ehleringer, J., E.-D. Schulze, H. Ziegler, O. L. Lange, G. D. Farquhar, and I. R. Cowan. 1985. Xylem mistletoes: water or nutrient parasites? Science 227:1479-1481. PDF
69. Werk, K. S., and J. Ehleringer. 1985. Photosynthetic characteristics of Lactuca serriola L. Plant Cell Environment 8:345-350. PDF
70. Ullmann, I., O. L. Lange, H. Ziegler, J. R. Ehleringer, E.-D. Schulze, and I. R. Cowan. 1985. Diurnal courses of leaf conductance and transpiration of mistletoes and their host in central Australia. Oecologia 67:577-587. PDF
71. Ehleringer, J., and K. S. Werk. 1986. Modifications of solar radiation absorption patterns and the implications for carbon gain at the leaf level, p. 57-82. In T. Givnish (ed.), On the Economy of Plant Form and Function. Cambridge Univ. Press, London. PDF
72. Comstock, J., and J. Ehleringer. 1986. Canopy dynamics and carbon gain in response to soil water availability in Encelia frutescens Gray, a drought-deciduous shrub. Oecologia 68:271-278. PDF
73. Ehleringer, J. R., C. S. Cook, and L. L. Tieszen. 1986. Comparative water use and nitrogen relationships in a mistletoe and its host. Oecologia 68:279-284. PDF
74. Ehleringer, J. R., R. W. Pearcy and H. A. Mooney. 1986. Recommendations of the workshop on the future development in plant physiological ecology. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 67:48-58. PDF
75. Werk, K. S., J. R. Ehleringer, and P. C. Harley. 1986. Formation of false stems in Cymopterus longipes: an uplifting example of growth form change. Oecologia 69:466-470. PDF
76. Ehleringer, J. R., P. W. Rundel, and K. A. Nagy. 1986. Stable isotopes in physiological ecology and food web research. Trends in Ecolpgy and Evolution 1:42-45. PDF
77. Comstock, J., and J. R. Ehleringer. 1986. Photoperiod and photosynthetic capacity in Lotus scoparius. Plant Cell Environment 9:609-612. PDF
78. Ehleringer, J. R., I. Ullmann, O. L. Lange, G. D. Farquhar, I. R. Cowan, E.-D. Schulze, and H. Ziegler. 1986. Mistletoes: a hypothesis concerning morphological and chemical avoidance of herbivory. Oecologia 70:234-237. PDF
79. Sun, G. C., and J. R. Ehleringer. 1986. Gas exchange in Schima superba, a subtropical monsoonal forest tree. Photosynthetica 20:158-163. PDF
80. Ehleringer, J. R., C. B. Field, Z. F. Lin, and C. Y. Kuo. 1986. Leaf carbon isotope and mineral composition in subtropical plants along an irradiance cline. Oecologia 70:520-526. PDF
81. Werk, K. S., and J. R. Ehleringer. 1986. Effect of non-random leaf orientation on reproduction in Lactuca serriola L. Evolution 40:1334-1337. PDF
82. Werk, K. S., and J. R. Ehleringer. 1986. Field water relations of a compass plant, Lactuca serriola L. Plant Cell Environment 9:681-683. PDF
83. Schulze, E.-D., R. Robichaux, J. Grace, P. W. Rundel, and J. R. Ehleringer. 1987. Plant water balance. BioScience 37:30-37. PDF
84. Mooney, H. A., R. W. Pearcy, and J. R. Ehleringer. 1987. Plant physiological ecology today. BioScience 37:18-20. PDF
85. Ehleringer, J. R., J. P. Comstock, and T. A. Cooper. 1987. Leaf-twig carbon isotope ratio differences in photosynthetic-twig desert shrubs. Oecologia 71:318-320. PDF
86. Ehleringer, J., and S. D. Hammond. 1987. Solar tracking and photosynthesis in cotton leaves. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 39:25-35. PDF
87. Ehleringer, J. R., Z. F. Lin, C. B. Field, and C. Y. Kuo. 1987. Leaf carbon isotope ratios of plants from a tropical monsoon forest. Oecologia 72:109-114. PDF
88. Ehleringer, J. R., and J. Comstock. 1987. Leaf absorptance and leaf angle mechanisms for stress avoidance, p. 55-76. In J. Tenhunen, F. Catarino, O. L. Lange, and W. Oechel (eds.), Plant Response to Stress - Functional Analysis in Mediterranean Ecosystems. NATO ASI Series. Springer-Verlag, New York.
89. Ehleringer, J. R., and C. S. Cook. 1987. Leaf hairs in Encelia (Asteraceae). American Journal of Botany 74:1532-1540. PDF
90. Harley, P. C., and J. R. Ehleringer. 1987. Gas exchange characteristics of leaves of four species of grain Amaranthus. Field Crops Research 17:141-153. PDF
91. Ehleringer, J. R. 1988. Changes in leaf characteristics of species along elevational gradients in the Wasatch Front, Utah. American Journal of Botany 75:680-689. PDF
92. Comstock, J. P., T. A. Cooper, and J. R. Ehleringer. 1988. Seasonal patterns of canopy development and carbon gain in nineteen warm desert shrub species. Oecologia 75:327-335. PDF
93. Ehleringer, J. R. 1988. Carbon isotope ratios and physiological processes in aridland plants, p. 41-54. In P. W. Rundel, J. R. Ehleringer, and K.A. Nagy (eds.), Stable Isotopes in Ecological Research. Ecological Studies Series. Springer-Verlag, New York. PDF
94. Ehleringer, J. R., and P. W. Rundel. 1988. Stable isotopes: history and units, p. 1-15. In P. W. Rundel, J. R. Ehleringer, and K.A. Nagy (eds.), Stable Isotopes in Ecological Research. Ecological Studies Series. Springer-Verlag, New York. PDF
95. P. W. Rundel, J. R. Ehleringer, and K. A. Nagy (eds.). 1988. Stable Isotopes in Ecological Research. Ecological Studies Series. Springer-Verlag, New York. 525 pp. PDF
96. Ehleringer, J. R., and C. Clark. 1988. Evolution and adaptation in Encelia (Asteraceae), p. 221-248. In L. Gottlieb and S. Jain (eds.), Plant Evolutionary Biology. Chapman and Hall, London.
97. Comstock, J. P., and J. R. Ehleringer. 1988. Contrasting photosynthetic behavior in leaves and twigs of Hymenoclea salsola, a green-twigged, warm desert shrub. American Journal of Botany 75:1360-1370. PDF
98. Ehleringer, J. R. 1988. Correlations between carbon isotope ratio, water-use efficiency and yield, p. 165-191. In: J. W. White, G. Hoogenoom, F. Ibarra, and S. P. Singh (eds.), Research on Drought Tolerance in Common Bean. CIAT, Cali, Columbia. PDF
99. Ehleringer, J. R. 1988. Comparative ecophysiology of Encelia farinosa and Encelia frutescens. I. Energy balance considerations. Oecologia 76:553-561. PDF
100. Ehleringer, J. R., and T. A. Cooper. 1988. Correlations between carbon isotope ratio and microhabitat in desert plants. Oecologia 76:562-566. PDF
Publications 101- 200 201-300 301-400 401-450 451+
2. Moore, R. T., P. C. Miller, J. Ehleringer and W. Lawrence. 1973. Seasonal trends in gas exchange characteristics of three mangrove species. Photosynthetica 7:387-394. PDF
3. Miller, P. C., J. Ehleringer, B. Hynum, and W. Stoner. 1974. Digital simulations of potential reforestation problems in the Rung Sat Delta, Viet Nam, p. 100-164. In H. T. Odum (ed.), The Effects of Herbicides in South Viet Nam. National Academy of Sciences, National Research in Council, Washington, D.C. PDF
4. Moore, R. T., J. Ehleringer, P. C. Miller, M. Caldwell, and L. Tieszen. 1974. Gas exchange studies of four alpine tundra species at Niwot Ridge, Colorado, p. 211-217. In L. Bliss and F. Wielgolaski (eds.), Primary Production and Production Processes, Tundra Biome. Univ. of Alberta Printing Service, Alberta. PDF
5. Miller, P. C., W. Stoner, and J. Ehleringer. 1974. A summary of data on some aspects of water relations and microclimate of tundra plants. U.S. Tundra Biome Data Report 74-19. 16 p. PDF
6. Cooper, C. F., P. Depetris, J. Ehleringer, R. Fisher, S. Hurlbert, S. Schneider, and J. Zieman. 1974. Impact of regional changes on climate and aquatic systems, p. 193-224. In E. Farnworth and F. Golley (eds.), Fragile Ecosystems. Springer-Verlag, New York. PDF
7. Ehleringer, J., and P. C. Miller. 1975. Water relations of selected plant species in the alpine tundra, Colorado. Ecology 56:370-380. PDF
8. Ehleringer, J., and P. C. Miller. 1975. A simulation model of plant water relations and production in the alpine tundra, Colorado. Oecologia 19:177-193. PDF
9. Björkman, O., H. A. Mooney, and J. Ehleringer. 1975. Comparison of photosynthetic characteristics of intact plants. Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 74:743-748. PDF
10. Björkman, O., and J. Ehleringer. 1975. Comparison of quantum yields for CO2 uptake in C3 and C4 plants. Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 74:760-761. PDF
11. Ehleringer, J., O. Björkman, and H. A. Mooney. 1976. Leaf pubescence: effects on absorptance and photosynthesis in a desert shrub. Science 192:376-377. PDF
12. Ehleringer, J., and O. Björkman. 1976. Carbon dioxide and temperature dependence of the quantum yield for CO2 uptake in C3 and C4 plants. Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 75:418-421. PDF
13. Ehleringer, J. 1976. Leaf absorptance and photosynthesis as affected by pubescence in the genus Encelia. Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 75:413-418. PDF
14. Mooney, H. A., J. Ehleringer, and J. A. Berry. 1976. High photosynthetic capacity of a winter annual in Death Valley. Science 194:322-324. PDF
15. Mooney, H. A., O. Björkman, J. Ehleringer, and J. A. Berry. 1976. Photosynthetic capacity of in situ Death Valley plants. Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 75:410-413. PDF
16. Ehleringer, J., and O. Björkman. 1977. Quantum yields for CO2 uptake in C3 and C4 plants: dependence on temperature, carbon dioxide, and oxygen concentration. Plant Physiology 59:86-90. PDF
17. Mooney, H. A., J. Ehleringer, and O. Björkman. 1977. The energy balance of leaves of the evergreen desert shrub Atriplex hymenelytra. Oecologia 29:301-310. PDF
18. Ehleringer, J. 1977. Adaptive value of leaf hairs to Encelia farinosa. Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 76:367-369. PDF
19. Ehleringer, J. 1977. The adaptive significance of leaf hairs in a desert shrub. Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University. 128 p.
20. Ehleringer, J. 1978. Implications of quantum yield differences on the distributions of C3 and C4 grasses. Oecologia 31:255-267. PDF
21. Ehleringer, J., and O. Björkman. 1978. Pubescence and leaf spectral characteristics in a desert shrub, Encelia farinosa. Oecologia 36:151-162. PDF
22. Ehleringer, J., and H. A. Mooney. 1978. Leaf hairs: effects on physiological activity and adaptive value to a desert shrub. Oecologia 37:183-200. PDF
23. Ehleringer, J., and O. Björkman. 1978. A comparison of photosynthetic characteristics of Encelia species possessing glabrous and pubescent leaves. Plant Physiology 62:185-190. PDF
24. Miller, P. C., W. A. Stoner, and J. Ehleringer. 1978. Some aspects of water relations of arctic and alpine regions, p. 343-357. In L. L. Tieszen (ed.), Vegetation and Production Ecology of an Alaskan Arctic Tundra. Springer-Verlag, New York. PDF
25. Mooney, H. A., and J. Ehleringer. 1978. The carbon gain benefits of solar tracking in a desert annual. Plant, Cell and Environment 1:307-311. PDF
26. Ehleringer, J., H. A. Mooney, and J. A. Berry. 1979. Photosynthesis and microclimate of a desert winter annual. Ecology 60:280-286. PDF
27. Ehleringer, J. 1979. Photosynthesis and photorespiration: biochemistry, physiology, and ecological implications. Hortscience 14:217-222. PDF
28. Gulmon, S. L., P. W. Rundel, J. Ehleringer, and H. A. Mooney. 1979. Spatial relationships and competition in a Chilean desert cactus. Oecologia 44:40-43. PDF
29. Ehleringer, J. 1980. Leaf morphology and reflectance in relation to water and temperature stress, pp. 295-308. In N. Turner and P. Kramer (eds.), Adaptations of Plants to Water and High Temperature Stress. Wiley-Interscience, New York. PDF
30. Mooney, H. A., S. L. Gulmon, P. Rundel, and J. Ehleringer. 1980. Further observations on the water relations of Prosopis tamarugo of the northern Atacama Desert. Oecologia 44:177-180. PDF
31. Forseth, I., and J. Ehleringer. 1980. Solar tracking response to drought in a desert annual. Oecologia 44:159-163.
32. Ehleringer, J., H. A. Mooney, S. L. Gulmon, and P. Rundel. 1980. Orientation and its consequences of Copiapoa (Cactaceae) in the Atacama Desert. Oecologia 46:63-67. PDF
33. Mooney, H. A., S.L. Gulmon, J. Ehleringer, and P.W. Rundel. 1980. Atmospheric water uptake by an Atacama Desert shrub. Science 209:693-694. PDF
34. Rundel, P.W., J. Ehleringer, H.A. Mooney, and S.L. Gulmon. 1980. Patterns of drought response in leaf-succulent shrubs of the coastal Atacama Desert in northern Chile. Oecologia 46:196-200. PDF
35. Ehleringer, J., and C. S. Cook. 1980. Measurements of photosynthesis in the field: utility of the CO2 depletion technique. Plant, Cell and Environment 3:479-482. PDF
36. Ehleringer, J., and I. Forseth. 1980. Solar tracking by plants. Science 210:1094-1098. PDF
37. Ehleringer, J., H. A. Mooney, S. L. Gulmon, and P. W. Rundel. 1981. Parallel evolution of leaf pubescence in Encelia in coastal deserts of North and South America. Oecologia 49:38-41. PDF
38. Ehleringer, J. 1981. Leaf absorptances of Mohave and Sonoran Desert plants. Oecologia 49:366-370. PDF
39. Ehleringer, J. 1982. The influence of water stress and temperature on leaf pubescence development in Encelia farinosa. American Journal of Botany69:670-675. PDF
40. Forseth, I., and J. Ehleringer. 1982. Ecophysiology of two solar tracking desert winter annuals. I. Photosynthetic acclimation to growth temperature. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 9:321-332. PDF
41. Forseth, I. N., and J. Ehleringer. 1982. Ecophysiology of two solar tracking desert winter annuals. II. Leaf movements, water relations and microclimate. Oecologia 54:41-49. PDF
42. Lin, Z. F., and J. Ehleringer. 1982. Studies of photosynthesis in papaya. I. The effects of light, temperature, water vapor pressure deficit and carbon dioxide. Acta Phytophysiologia Sinica 8:363-372. PDF
43. Lin, Z. F., and J. Ehleringer. 1982. Studies of the effects of leaf age on photosynthesis and water use efficiency of papaya. Photosynthetica 16:514-519. PDF
44. Lin, Z. F., and J. Ehleringer. 1982. Changes in spectral properties of leaves as related to chlorophyll and age in papaya. Photosynthetica 16:520-525. PDF
45. Mooney, H. A., J. Berry, O. Björkman, and J. Ehleringer. 1982. Comparative photosynthetic characteristics of coastal and desert plants of California. Bulletin of the Society of Botany Mexico 42:19-33. PDF
46. Ehleringer, J. 1983. Ecophysiology of Amaranthus palmeri, a Sonoran Desert summer annual. Oecologia 57:107-112. PDF
47. Ehleringer, J. 1983. Characterization of a glabrate Encelia farinosa mutant: morphology, ecophysiology, and field observations. Oecologia 57:303-310. PDF
48. Forseth, I. N., and J. Ehleringer. 1983. Ecophysiology of two solar tracking desert winter annuals. III. Gas exchange responses to light, CO2 , and VPD in relation to long term drought. Oecologia 57:340-351. PDF
49. Werk, K. S., and J. Ehleringer. 1983. Photosynthesis by flowers of two shrubs Encelia farinosa and Encelia californica. Oecologia 57:311-315. PDF
50. Forseth, I. N., and J. Ehleringer. 1983. Ecophysiology of two solar tracking desert winter annuals. IV. Effects of leaf orientation on calculated daily carbon gain and water use efficiency. Oecologia 58:10-18. PDF
51. Lin, Z. F., and J. Ehleringer. 1983. Photosynthetic characteristics of Amaranthus tricolor, a tropical leafy vegetable. Photosynthetic Research 4:171-178. PDF
52. Ehleringer, J., and H. A. Mooney. 1983. Photosynthesis and productivity of desert and Mediterranean climate plants. Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology (New Series) Vol. 12D:205-231, Springer-Verlag, New York. PDF
53. Werk, K. S., J. Ehleringer, I. N. Forseth, and C. S. Cook. 1983. Photosynthetic characteristics of Sonoran Desert winter annuals. Oecologia 59:101-105. PDF
54. Lin, Z. F., and J. Ehleringer. 1983. Epidermis effects on spectral properties of leaves of four herbaceous species. Physiologia Plantarum 59:91-94. PDF
55. Ehleringer, J., and R. W. Pearcy. 1983. Variation in quantum yields for CO2 uptake in C3 and C4 plants. Plant Physiology 73:555-559. PDF
56. Ehleringer, J. 1984. Ecology and ecophysiology of leaf pubescence in North American desert plants, p. 113-132. In E. Rodriguez, P. Healey, and I. Mehta (eds.), Biology and Chemistry of Plant Trichomes. Plenum Press, New York. PDF
57. Pearcy, R. W., and J. Ehleringer. 1984. Comparative ecophysiology of C3 and C4 plants. Plant Cell Environment 7:1-13. PDF
58. Comstock, J., and J. Ehleringer. 1984. Photosynthetic responses to slowly decreasing leaf water potentials in Encelia frutescens. Oecologia 61:241-248. PDF
59. Werk, K. S., and J. Ehleringer. 1984. Non-random leaf orientation in Lactuca serriola L. Plant Cell Environment 7:81-87. PDF
60. Ehleringer, J., and D. House. 1984. Orientation and slope preference in barrel cactus (Ferocactus acanthodes) at its northern distribution limit. Great Basin Naturalist 44:133-139. PDF
61. Ehleringer, J., and C. S. Cook. 1984. Photosynthesis in Encelia farinosa Gray in response to decreasing leaf water potential. Plant Physiology 75:688-693. PDF
62. Ehleringer, J. 1984. Intraspecific competitive effects on water relations, growth, and reproduction in Encelia farinosa. Oecologia 63:153-158. PDF
63. Forseth, I. N., J. Ehleringer, K. S. Werk, and C. S. Cook. 1984. Field water relations of Sonoran Desert annuals. Ecology 65:1436-1444. PDF
64. Schulze, E.-D., and J. Ehleringer. 1984. The effect of nitrogen supply on growth and water use efficiency of xylem mistletoes. Planta 162:268-275. PDF
65. Ehleringer, J. 1985. Comparative microclimatology and plant responses in Encelia species from contrasting habitats. Journal of Arid Environments 8:45-56. PDF
66. Ehleringer, J. 1985. Adaptations of annuals and perennials to warm deserts, p. 162-180. In B. Chabot and H. A. Mooney (eds.), Physiological Ecology of North American Plant Communities. Chapman and Hall Ltd., London. PDF
67. Ehleringer, J., and E.-D Schulze. 1985. Mineral concentrations in an autoparasitic Phoradendron californicum growing on a parasitic P. californicum and its host, Cercidium floridum. American Journal of Botany 72:568-571. PDF
68. Ehleringer, J., E.-D. Schulze, H. Ziegler, O. L. Lange, G. D. Farquhar, and I. R. Cowan. 1985. Xylem mistletoes: water or nutrient parasites? Science 227:1479-1481. PDF
69. Werk, K. S., and J. Ehleringer. 1985. Photosynthetic characteristics of Lactuca serriola L. Plant Cell Environment 8:345-350. PDF
70. Ullmann, I., O. L. Lange, H. Ziegler, J. R. Ehleringer, E.-D. Schulze, and I. R. Cowan. 1985. Diurnal courses of leaf conductance and transpiration of mistletoes and their host in central Australia. Oecologia 67:577-587. PDF
71. Ehleringer, J., and K. S. Werk. 1986. Modifications of solar radiation absorption patterns and the implications for carbon gain at the leaf level, p. 57-82. In T. Givnish (ed.), On the Economy of Plant Form and Function. Cambridge Univ. Press, London. PDF
72. Comstock, J., and J. Ehleringer. 1986. Canopy dynamics and carbon gain in response to soil water availability in Encelia frutescens Gray, a drought-deciduous shrub. Oecologia 68:271-278. PDF
73. Ehleringer, J. R., C. S. Cook, and L. L. Tieszen. 1986. Comparative water use and nitrogen relationships in a mistletoe and its host. Oecologia 68:279-284. PDF
74. Ehleringer, J. R., R. W. Pearcy and H. A. Mooney. 1986. Recommendations of the workshop on the future development in plant physiological ecology. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 67:48-58. PDF
75. Werk, K. S., J. R. Ehleringer, and P. C. Harley. 1986. Formation of false stems in Cymopterus longipes: an uplifting example of growth form change. Oecologia 69:466-470. PDF
76. Ehleringer, J. R., P. W. Rundel, and K. A. Nagy. 1986. Stable isotopes in physiological ecology and food web research. Trends in Ecolpgy and Evolution 1:42-45. PDF
77. Comstock, J., and J. R. Ehleringer. 1986. Photoperiod and photosynthetic capacity in Lotus scoparius. Plant Cell Environment 9:609-612. PDF
78. Ehleringer, J. R., I. Ullmann, O. L. Lange, G. D. Farquhar, I. R. Cowan, E.-D. Schulze, and H. Ziegler. 1986. Mistletoes: a hypothesis concerning morphological and chemical avoidance of herbivory. Oecologia 70:234-237. PDF
79. Sun, G. C., and J. R. Ehleringer. 1986. Gas exchange in Schima superba, a subtropical monsoonal forest tree. Photosynthetica 20:158-163. PDF
80. Ehleringer, J. R., C. B. Field, Z. F. Lin, and C. Y. Kuo. 1986. Leaf carbon isotope and mineral composition in subtropical plants along an irradiance cline. Oecologia 70:520-526. PDF
81. Werk, K. S., and J. R. Ehleringer. 1986. Effect of non-random leaf orientation on reproduction in Lactuca serriola L. Evolution 40:1334-1337. PDF
82. Werk, K. S., and J. R. Ehleringer. 1986. Field water relations of a compass plant, Lactuca serriola L. Plant Cell Environment 9:681-683. PDF
83. Schulze, E.-D., R. Robichaux, J. Grace, P. W. Rundel, and J. R. Ehleringer. 1987. Plant water balance. BioScience 37:30-37. PDF
84. Mooney, H. A., R. W. Pearcy, and J. R. Ehleringer. 1987. Plant physiological ecology today. BioScience 37:18-20. PDF
85. Ehleringer, J. R., J. P. Comstock, and T. A. Cooper. 1987. Leaf-twig carbon isotope ratio differences in photosynthetic-twig desert shrubs. Oecologia 71:318-320. PDF
86. Ehleringer, J., and S. D. Hammond. 1987. Solar tracking and photosynthesis in cotton leaves. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 39:25-35. PDF
87. Ehleringer, J. R., Z. F. Lin, C. B. Field, and C. Y. Kuo. 1987. Leaf carbon isotope ratios of plants from a tropical monsoon forest. Oecologia 72:109-114. PDF
88. Ehleringer, J. R., and J. Comstock. 1987. Leaf absorptance and leaf angle mechanisms for stress avoidance, p. 55-76. In J. Tenhunen, F. Catarino, O. L. Lange, and W. Oechel (eds.), Plant Response to Stress - Functional Analysis in Mediterranean Ecosystems. NATO ASI Series. Springer-Verlag, New York.
89. Ehleringer, J. R., and C. S. Cook. 1987. Leaf hairs in Encelia (Asteraceae). American Journal of Botany 74:1532-1540. PDF
90. Harley, P. C., and J. R. Ehleringer. 1987. Gas exchange characteristics of leaves of four species of grain Amaranthus. Field Crops Research 17:141-153. PDF
91. Ehleringer, J. R. 1988. Changes in leaf characteristics of species along elevational gradients in the Wasatch Front, Utah. American Journal of Botany 75:680-689. PDF
92. Comstock, J. P., T. A. Cooper, and J. R. Ehleringer. 1988. Seasonal patterns of canopy development and carbon gain in nineteen warm desert shrub species. Oecologia 75:327-335. PDF
93. Ehleringer, J. R. 1988. Carbon isotope ratios and physiological processes in aridland plants, p. 41-54. In P. W. Rundel, J. R. Ehleringer, and K.A. Nagy (eds.), Stable Isotopes in Ecological Research. Ecological Studies Series. Springer-Verlag, New York. PDF
94. Ehleringer, J. R., and P. W. Rundel. 1988. Stable isotopes: history and units, p. 1-15. In P. W. Rundel, J. R. Ehleringer, and K.A. Nagy (eds.), Stable Isotopes in Ecological Research. Ecological Studies Series. Springer-Verlag, New York. PDF
95. P. W. Rundel, J. R. Ehleringer, and K. A. Nagy (eds.). 1988. Stable Isotopes in Ecological Research. Ecological Studies Series. Springer-Verlag, New York. 525 pp. PDF
96. Ehleringer, J. R., and C. Clark. 1988. Evolution and adaptation in Encelia (Asteraceae), p. 221-248. In L. Gottlieb and S. Jain (eds.), Plant Evolutionary Biology. Chapman and Hall, London.
97. Comstock, J. P., and J. R. Ehleringer. 1988. Contrasting photosynthetic behavior in leaves and twigs of Hymenoclea salsola, a green-twigged, warm desert shrub. American Journal of Botany 75:1360-1370. PDF
98. Ehleringer, J. R. 1988. Correlations between carbon isotope ratio, water-use efficiency and yield, p. 165-191. In: J. W. White, G. Hoogenoom, F. Ibarra, and S. P. Singh (eds.), Research on Drought Tolerance in Common Bean. CIAT, Cali, Columbia. PDF
99. Ehleringer, J. R. 1988. Comparative ecophysiology of Encelia farinosa and Encelia frutescens. I. Energy balance considerations. Oecologia 76:553-561. PDF
100. Ehleringer, J. R., and T. A. Cooper. 1988. Correlations between carbon isotope ratio and microhabitat in desert plants. Oecologia 76:562-566. PDF
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