201. Williams, D.G., and J.R. Ehleringer. 1996. Carbon isotope discrimination in three semi-arid woodland species along a monsoon gradient. Oecologia 106:455-460. PDF
202. Evans, R.D., A.J. Bloom, S.S. Sukrapanna, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1996. Nitrogen isotope composition of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv T-5) grown under ammonium or nitrate nutrition. Plant Cell Environment 19:1317-1323. PDF
203. Buchmann, N., W.K. Kao, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1996. Carbon dioxide concentrations within forest canopies - variation with time, stand structure, and vegetation type. Global Change Biology 2:421-432. PDF
204. Ducharme, L.A., and J.R. Ehleringer. 1996. Gas exchange, d13C, and heterotrophy for Castilleja linariifolia and Orthocarpus tolmiei, facultative root parasites on Artemisia tridentata. Great Basin Naturalist 56:333-340. PDF
205. Flanagan, L.B., J.R. Brooks, G.T. Varney, S.C. Berry, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1996. Carbon isotope discrimination during photosynthesis and the isotope ratio of respired CO2 in boreal ecosystems. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 10:629-640. PDF
206. Jackson, R.B., J. Canadell, J.R. Ehleringer, H.A. Mooney, O.E. Sala, and E.-D. Schulze. 1996. A global review of rooting patterns. I. Root distribution by depth for terrestrial biomes. Oecologia 108:389-411. PDF
207. Schulze, E.-D., H.A. Mooney, O.E. Sala, E. Jobbagy, N. Buchmann, G. Bauer, J. Canadell, R.B. Jackson, J. Loreti, M. Osterheld, and J. R. Ehleringer. 1996. Rooting depth, water availability,and vegetation cover along an aridity gradient in Patagonia. Oecologia 108:503-511. PDF
208. Canadell, J., R.B. Jackson, J.R. Ehleringer, H.A. Mooney, O.E. Sala, and E.-D. Schulze. 1996. A global review of rooting patterns. II. Maximum rooting depth. Oecologia 108:583-595. PDF
209. Brooks, J.R., L.B. Flanagan, G.T. Varney, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1997. Vertical gradients of photosynthetic gas exchange and recycling of respired CO2 within boreal forest canopies. Tree Physiology 17:1-12. PDF
210. Mooney, H.A., and J.R. Ehleringer. 1997. Photosynthesis, p. 1-27. In M.J. Crawley (ed.), Plant Ecology. Second Edition. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford. PDF
211. Sandquist, D.R., and J.R. Ehleringer. 1997. Potential adaptability and constraints of response to changing climates for Encelia farinosa var. phenicodonta from southern Baja California, Mexico. Madroño 43:465-478. PDF
212. Sparks, J., and J.R. Ehleringer. 1997. Leaf carbon isotope discrimination and nitrogen content for riparian trees along elevational transects. Oecologia 109:362-367. PDF
213. Flanagan, L.B., J.R. Brooks, G.T. Varney, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1997. Discrimination against C18O16O during photosynthesis and the oxygen isotope ratio of respired CO2 in boreal forest ecosystems. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 11:83-98. PDF
214. Buchmann, N., Kao, W., and J.R. Ehleringer. 1997. Influence of stand structure on carbon-13 of vegetation, soils, and canopy air within deciduous and evergreen forests of Utah, United States. Oecologia 110:109-119. PDF
215. Buchmann, N., J.-M. Guehl, T.Barigah, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1997. Interseasonal comparison of CO2 concentrations, isotopic composition, and carbon cycling in an Amazonian rainforest (French Guiana). Oecologia 110:120-131. PDF
216. Brooks, J.R., L.B. Flanagan, N. Buchmann, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1997. Carbon isotope composition of boreal plants: functional grouping of life forms. Oecologia 110:301-311. PDF
217. Lin, G., and J.R. Ehleringer. 1997. Carbon isotopic fractionation does not occur during dark respiration in C3 and C4 plants. Plant Physiology 114:391-394. PDF
218. Sandquist, D.R., and J.R. Ehleringer. 1997. Intraspecific variation of leaf pubescence and drought response in Encelia farinosa. Genetic differentiation associated with contrasting desert environments. New Phytologist 135:635-644. PDF
219. Sobrado, M.A., and J.R. Ehleringer. 1997. Leaf carbon isotope ratios from a tropical dry forest in Venezuela. Flora 192:121-124. PDF
220. Flanagan, L.B., C.S. Cook, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1997. Unusually low carbon isotope ratios in plants from hanging gardens in southern Utah. Oecologia 111:481-489. PDF
221. Cerling, T.E., J.M. Harris, B.J. MacFadden, M.G. Leakey, J. Quade, V. Eisenmann, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1997. Global vegetation change through the Miocene-Pliocene boundary. Nature 389:153-158. PDF
222. Ehleringer, J.R., T.E. Cerling, and B.R. Helliker. 1997. C4 photosynthesis, atmospheric CO2, and climate. Oecologia 112:285-299. PDF
223. Ehleringer, J.R., D.R. Sandquist, and S.L. Phillips. 1997. Burning coal seams in southern Utah: a natural system for studies of plant responses to elevated CO2, p. 56-68. In A.Raschi, F. Miglietta, R. Tognetti and P.R. van Gardingen, (eds.), Plant Responses to Elevated CO2 Evidence From Natural Springs. Cambridge University Press, London.
224. Flanagan, L.B., and J.R. Ehleringer. 1997. Ecosystem - atmosphere CO2 exchange: interpreting signals of change using stable isotope ratios. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 13:10-14. PDF
225. Buchmann, N., J.R. Brooks, L.B. Flanagan, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1998. Carbon isotope discrimination of terrestrial ecosystems, p. 203-221. In H. Griffiths (ed.), Stable Isotopes Integration of Biological, Ecological, and Geochemical Processes. BIOS Scientific Publ., Oxford. PDF
226. Ehleringer, J.R., R.D. Evans, and D. Williams. 1998. Assessing sensitivity to change in desert ecosystems - a stable isotope approach, p. 223-237. In H. Griffiths (ed.), Stable Isotopes Integration of Biological, Ecological, and Geochemical Processes. BIOS Scientific Publ., Oxford. PDF
227. Sandquist, D.R., and J.R. Ehleringer. 1998. Intraspecific variation of drought adaptation in brittlebush: leaf pubescence and timing of leaf loss vary with rainfall. Oecologia 113:162-169. PDF
228. Buchmann, N., and J.R. Ehleringer. 1998. CO2 concentration profiles and carbon and oxygen isotopes in C3 and C4 crop canopies. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 89:45-58. PDF
229. Cerling, T.E., J.R. Ehleringer, and J.M. Harris. 1998. Carbon dioxide starvation, the development of C4 ecosystems, and mammalian evolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B 353:159-171. PDF
230. Steffen, W., et al. (IGBP Terrestrial Carbon Working Group). 1998. The terrestrial carbon cycle: implications for the Kyoto Protocol. Science 280:1393-1394. PDF
231. Brooks, J.R., L.B. Flanagan, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1998. Responses of boreal conifers to climate fluctuations: indications from tree-ring widths and carbon isotope analyses. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28:524-533. PDF
232. Ehleringer, J.R., P.W. Rundel, B. Palma, and H.A. Mooney. 1998. Carbon isotope ratios of Atacama Desert plants reflect hyperaridity of region. Revista Chilena Historica Naturales 71:79-86. PDF
233. Ehleringer, J.R., and C.S. Cook. 1998. Carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of ecosystem respiration along an Oregon conifer transect: preliminary observations based upon small-flask sampling. Tree Physiology 18:513-519. PDF
234. Flanagan, L.B., J.R. Brooks, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1998. Photosynthesis and carbon isotope discrimination in boreal forest ecosystems: a comparison of functional characteristics in plants from three mature forest types. Journal of Geophysical Research 102:28,861-28,869. PDF
235. Dawson, T.E., and J.R. Ehleringer. 1998. Plants, isotopes and water use: a catchment-scale perspective, p. 165-202. In C. Kendall and J. McDonnell (eds.), Tracers in Catchment Hydrology. Elsevier, Amsterdam. PDF
236. Buchmann, N., T.M. Hinckley, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1998. Carbon isotope dynamics in Abies amabilis stands in the Cascades. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28:808-819. PDF
237. Cerling, T.E., J.M. Harris, B.J. MacFadden, J. Quade, M.G. Leakey, V. Eisenmann, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1998. Miocene-Pliocene shift: one step or several? Nature 393:127. PDF
238. Lin, G., J.R. Ehleringer , P.T. Rygiewicz, M.G. Johnson, and D.T. Tingey. 1999. Elevated CO2 and temperature impacts on different components of soil CO2 efflux in Douglas-fir terracosms. Global Change Biology 5:157-168. PDF
239. Zacharisen, M.H., M.A. Brick, A.G. Fisher, J.B. Ogg, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1999. Relationships between productivity and carbon isotope discrimination among dry bean lines and F2 progeny. Euphytica 105:239-250.
240. Mooney, H.A., J. Canadell, F.S. Chapin III, J.R. Ehleringer, Ch. Körner, R.E. McMurtrie, W.J. Parton, L.F. Pitelka, and E. -D. Schulze. 1999. Ecosystem physiology responses to global change, p. 141-189. In: B.H. Walker, W. Steffen, J. Canadell, and J. Ingram (eds.), The Terrestrial biosphere and global change: implications for natural and managed ecosystems. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. PDF
241. Schulze, E.-D., R.J. Scholes, J.R. Ehleringer, L.A. Hunt, J. Canadell, F.S. Chapin III, and W. Steffen. 1999. The study of ecosystems in the context of global change, p. 19-44. In: B.H. Walker, W. Steffen, J. Canadell, and J. Ingram (eds.), The Terrestrial biosphere and global change: implications for natural and managed ecosystems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. PDF
242. Flanagan, L.B., D.S. Kubien, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1999. Spatial and temporal variation in the carbon and oxygen stable isotope ratio of respired CO2 in a boreal forest ecosystem. Tellus 51:367-384. PDF
243. Roden, J.S., and J.R. Ehleringer. 1999. Leaf water dD and d18O observations confirm robustness of Craig-Gordon model under wide ranging environmental conditions. Plant Physiology 120: 1165-1174. PDF
244. Ehleringer, J.R., S. Schwinning, and R.L. Gebauer. 1999. Water use in arid land ecosystems, pages 347-365. In M. C. Press (ed.), Advances in Plant Physiological Ecology, Blackwell Science, Oxford. PDF
245. Roden, J.S., and J.R. Ehleringer. 1999. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of tree-ring cellulose for riparian trees grown long-term under hydroponically controlled environments. Oecologia 121:467-477. PDF
246. Ehleringer, J.R., D.A. Cooper, M.J. Lott, and C.S. Cook. 1999. Geo-location of heroin and cocaine using stable isotope ratios. Forensic Science International 106:27-35. PDF
247. Cerling, T.E., J.R. Ehleringer, J. Harris, and B. MacFadden. 1999. Atmospheric CO2, terrestrial ecology, and mammalian evolution, p. 7-9. In H. Ármannson (ed.), Geochemistry of the Earth's Surface. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Geochemistry of the Earth's Surface. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam. PDF
248. Squeo, F.A., N. Olivares, S. Olivares, A. Pollastri, E. Aguirre, R. Aravena, C. Jorquera, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1999. Groupos funcionales en arbustos desérticos definidos en base a las fuentes de agua utilizadas. Gayana (Botánica) 56:1-16. PDF
249. Roden, J.S., G. Lin, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2000. A mechanistic model for interpretation of hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios in tree-ring cellulose. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 64:21-35. PDF
250. Ehleringer, J.R., N. Buchmann, and L.B. Flanagan. 2000. Carbon isotope ratios in belowground carbon cycle processes. Ecological Applications 10:412-422. PDF
251. Gebauer, R.L.E., and J.R. Ehleringer. 2000. Water and nitrogen uptake patterns following moisture pulses in a cold desert community. Ecology 81:1415-1424. PDF
252. Williams, D.G., and J.R. Ehleringer. 2000. Carbon isotope discrimination and water relations of oak hybrid populations in southwestern Utah. Western North American Naturalist 60:121-129. PDF
253. Helliker, B.R., and J.R. Ehleringer. 2000. Establishing a grassland signature in veins: 18O in the leaf water of C3 and C4 grasses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97:7894-7898. PDF
254. Canadell, J., H.A. Mooney, D. Baldocchi, J.A. Berry, J.R. Ehleringer, C.B. Field, S.T. Gower, D. Hollinger, J. Hunt, R. Jackson, S. Running, G. Shaver, S.E. Trumbore, R. Valentini, and B. Y. Bond. 2000. Carbon metabolism of the terrestrial biosphere: a multi-technique approach for improved understanding. Ecosystems 3:115-130. PDF
255. Roden, J.S., and J.R. Ehleringer. 2000. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of tree-ring cellulose for field grown riparian trees. Oecologia 123:481-489. PDF
256. Ehleringer, J.R., J. Roden, and T.E. Dawson. 2000. Assessing ecosystem-level water relations through stable isotope ratio analyses, p. 181-198. In O. Sala, R. Jackson, H.A. Mooney, and R. Howarth (eds.), Methods in ecosystem science. Springer Verlag, New York. PDF
257. Squeo, F.A., N. Olivares, A. Valenzuela, A. Pollastri, E., Aguirre, R. Aravena, C. Jorquera, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2000. Fuentes de aqua utilizadas por las plantas desérticas y su importancia en planes de manejo y restauración ecológica. Bol. Soc. Bot. México 65:95-106. PDF
258. Williams, D.G., and J.R. Ehleringer. 2000. Intra- and interspecific variation for summer precipitation use in pinyon-juniper woodlands. Ecological Monographs 70:517-537. PDF
259. Ku, M.S.B., D. Cho, U. Ranade, T.P. Hsu, X. Li, D.M. Jiao, J.R. Ehleringer, M. Miyao, and M. Matsuoka. 2000. Photosynthetic performance of transgenic rice overexpressing maize C4 photosynthesis enzymes, p. 193-204. In: J.E. Seehy, P.L. Mitchell, and B. Hardy (eds.), Redesigning rice photosynthesis to increase yield. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam. PDF
260. Cerling, T.E., and J.R. Ehleringer. 2000. Welcome to the C4 world, p. 273-286. In R.A. Gastaldo and W.A. DiMichele (eds.), Phanerozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems. The Paleontological Society Papers. Yale University Press, New Haven. PDF
261. Ehleringer, J.R., J. F. Casale, M.J. Lott, and V.L. Ford. 2000. Tracing origins of cocaine with stable isotopes. Nature 408:311-312. PDF
262. Lin, G., P.T. Rygiewicz, J.R. Ehleringer, M.G. Johnson, and D.T. Tingey. 2001. Time-dependent responses of soil CO2 efflux to elevated atmospheric [CO2] and temperature treatments in experimental forest mesocosms. Plant and Soil 229:259-270. PDF
263. Ehleringer, J.R. and T.E. Cerling. 2001. Photosynthetic pathways and climate, p. 267-277. In E.-D. Schulze, M. Heimann, S.P. Harrison, E.A. Holland, J. Lloyd, I.C. Prentice, and D. Schimel (eds.), Global biogeochemical cycles in the climate system. Academic Press, San Diego. PDF
264. Ehleringer, J.R. 2001. Productivity of deserts, p 345-362. In H.A. Mooney and J. Roy (eds.), Primary Productivity in Terrestrial Ecosystems. Academic Press, San Diego. PDF
265. Schwinning, S., and J.R. Ehleringer. 2001. Water use tradeoffs and optimal adaptations to pulse-driven arid ecosystems. Journal of Ecology 89:464-480. PDF
266. Bowling, D.R., C.S. Cook, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2001. Technique to measure CO2 mixing ratio in small glass flasks with a bellows/IRGA system. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 109:61-65. PDF
267. Roden, J.S., and J.R. Ehleringer. 2001. There is no temperature dependence of net biochemical fractionation of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in tree-ring cellulose. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 36:303-317. PDF
268. Grieu, P., D.W. Lucero, R. Ardiani, and J.R.Ehleringer. 2001. The mean depth of soil water uptake by two temperate grassland species over time subjected to mild soil water deficit and competitive association. Plant and Soil 230:197-209. PDF
269. Ehleringer, J.R., T.E. Cerling, and L.B. Flanagan. 2001. Global changes and the linkages between physiological ecology and ecosystem ecology, p. 115-138. In: M. Press, N. Huntly, and S. Levin (eds.), Ecology: Achievement and Challenge. Blackwell, Oxford. PDF
270. Ehleringer, J.R. and T.E. Cerling. 2001. Stable isotopes, p. 544-550. In H.A. Mooney and J. Canadell (eds.), Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change, Volume II, John Wiley and Sons, London. PDF
271. Ehleringer, J.R. and T.E. Cerling. 2001. Origins and expansion of C4 photosynthesis, p. 186-190. In H.A. Mooney and J. Canadell (eds.), Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change, Volume II, John Wiley and Sons, London. PDF
272. Ehleringer, J.R., J. Casale, D. A. Cooper, and M.J. Lott. 2001. Sourcing drugs with stable isotopes, p. 721-731. ONDCP Symposium, San Diego. ONDCP, Washington, D.C. PDF
273. Schwinning, S., K. Davis, L. Richardson, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2002. Deuterium enriched irrigation indicates different forms of rain use in shrub/grass species of the Colorado Plateau. Oecologia 130:345-355. PDF
274. Fessenden, J.E., and J.R. Ehleringer. 2002. Age dependent variations in the d13C of ecosystem respiration across a coniferous forest chronosequence in the Pacific Northwest. Tree Physiology 22:159-167. PDF
275. Bowling, D.R., N.G. McDowell, B.J. Bond, B.E. Law, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2002. 13C content of ecosystem respiration is linked to precipitation and vapor pressure deficit. Oecologia 131:113-124. PDF
276. Buchmann, N., J. R. Brooks, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2002. Predicting carbon isotope ratios of atmospheric CO2 within canopies. Functional Ecology 16:49-57. PDF
277. Roden, J.S., Lin, G., and J.R. Ehleringer. 2002. Response to the comment of V.J. Terwilliger on "A mechanistic model for interpretation of hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios in tree-ring cellulose," by J.S. Roden, G. Lin, and J.R. Ehleringer 2000 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 64:21-35. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66:733-734. PDF
278. Ward, J.K., T.E. Dawson, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2002. Responses of Acer negundo genders to interannual differences in water availability determined from carbon isotope ratios of tree ring cellulose. Tree Physiology 22:339-346. PDF
279. Helliker, B.R., and J.R. Ehleringer. 2002. Differential 18O enrichment of leaf cellulose in C4 versus C3 grasses. Functional Plant Biology 29:435-442. PDF
280. Helliker , B.R., J.S. Roden, C.S. Cook, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2002. A rapid and precise method for sampling and determining the oxygen isotope ratio of atmospheric water vapor. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 16:929-932. PDF
281. Ehleringer, J.R., D., Bowling, J. Fessenden, L.B. Flanagan, B.R. Helliker, L.A. Martinelli, and J.P. Ometto. 2002. Stable isotopes and carbon cycle processes in forest and grasslands. Plant Biology 4:181-193. PDF
282. Fessenden, J.E., C.S. Cook, M.J. Lott, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2002. Rapid 18O analysis of small-sized water samples using a continuous-flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 16:1257-1260. PDF
283. Brooks, J.R., N. Buchmann, S.L. Phillips, B. Ehleringer, R.D. Evans, L.A. Martinelli, W.T. Pockman, D. Sandquist, J.P. Sparks, L. Sperry, D. Williams, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2002. Heavy and light beer: a carbon isotope approach to detecting C4 carbon in beers from different origins, styles, and prices. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50:6413-6418. PDF
284. Gebauer, R.L.E., S. Schwinning, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2002. Interspecific competition and resource pulse utilization in a cold desert community. Ecology 83:2602-2616. PDF
285. Helliker, B.R., and J.R. Ehleringer. 2002. Grass blades as tree rings: environmentally induced changes in the oxygen isotope ratio of cellulose along the length of grass blades. New Phytologist 155:417-424. PDF
286. Ehleringer, J.R., T.E. Cerling, and D. Dearing. 2002. Atmospheric CO2 as a global change driver influencing plant-animal interactions. Integrated and Comparative Physiology 42:424-430. PDF
287. Ometto, J.P.H.B., L.B. Flanagan, L.A. Martinelli, M.Z. Moreira, N. Higuchi, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2002. Carbon isotope discrimination in forest and pasture ecosystems of the Amazon Basin, Brazil. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 16: No. 4, doi:10.1029/2001GB001462. PDF
288. Torres, R., F.A. Squeo, C. Jorquera, E. Aguirre, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2002. Assessment of the seasonal ability to use precipitation events in three native Chilean shrub species with different root systems. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 75:737-749. PDF
289. Kreuzer-Martin, H.W., M.J. Lott, J. Dorigan, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2003. Microbe forensics: oxygen and hydrogen stable isotope ratios in Bacillus subtilis cells and spores. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100:815-819. PDF
290. Sponheimer, M, Robinson, T., Roeder, B., Hammer, J., Ayliffe, L., Passey, B., Cerling, T., Dearing, D., and Ehleringer. 2003. Digestion and passage rates of grass hays by llamas, alpacas, goats, horses, and rabbits. Small Ruminant Research 2305:1-6. PDF
291. Pataki, D.E., J.R. Ehleringer, L.B. Flanagan, D. Yakir, D.R. Bowling, C.J. Still, N. Buchmann, J.O. Kaplan, and J.A. Berry. 2003. The application and interpretation of Keeling plots in terrestrial carbon cycle research. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17: 1022, doi:10.1029/2001GB001850. PDF
292. Sandquist, D.R., and J.R. Ehleringer. 2003. Carbon isotope discrimination differences within and between contrasting populations of Encelia farinosa raised under common-environment conditions. Oecologia 134:463-470. PDF
293. Sponheimer, M., T. Robinson, L. Ayliffe, B. Roeder, J. Hammer, B. Passey, A. West, T.E. Cerling, M.D. Dearing, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2003. Nitrogen isotopes in mammalian herbivores: hair d15N values from a controlled-feeding study. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 13:80-87. PDF
294. Bowling, D.R., D.E. Pataki, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2003. Critical evaluation of micrometeorological methods for measuring ecosystem-atmosphere isotopic exchange of CO2. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 116:159-179. PDF
295. Sponheimer, M., T. Robinson, L. Ayliffe, B. Roeder, L. Shipley, E. Lopez, J. Hammer, B. Passey, T.E. Cerling, M.D. Dearing, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2003. An experimental study of carbon isotope fractionation in the hair and feces of mammalian herbivores. Canadian Journal of Zoology 81:871-876. PDF
296. Martinelli L.A., M.Z. Moreira, J.P.H.B. Ometto, A.R. Alcarde, L.A. Rizzon, and J. R. Ehleringer. 2003. The stable carbon isotopic composition of the CO2 bubbles and wine of Brazilian sparkling wines: detecting sugar cane additions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51:2625-2631. PDF
297. Fessenden, J.E., and J.R. Ehleringer. 2003. Temporal variation in d13C of ecosystem respiration in the Pacific Northwest: links to moisture stress. Oecologia 136:129-136. PDF
298. Bowling, D.R., S.D. Sargent, B.D. Tanner, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2003. Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy for ecosystem-atmosphere CO2 isotopic exchange studies. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 118:1-19. PDF
299. Schauer, A., C.-T. Lai, D.R. Bowling, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2003. An automated sampler for unattended collection of air samples for stable isotope analyses. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 118:113-124. PDF
300. Schwinning, S. B. Starr, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2003. Dominant cold desert shrubs do not partition warm season precipitation by event size. Oecologia 136:252-260. PDF
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